Wednesday, January 07, 2009

haven’t blogged in a while...

I really don't have much to say, I just wanted to clear the cobwebs in my myspace & blogger profiles. I have been spending more time on Facebook lately. Talk about your entire life flashing before your eyes. I mean, DANG! People out of the woodwork. It is much easier to find people in Facebook than it is in myspace. 

I have found that I am a LOT more shy and reserved than I was in high school. That became apparent when I met up with some kids from my high school during the holidaze. I just didn't know what to say so I made a bee line for my brother & cousin in the back of the bar. 

Abigail is 14 months old, and walking like crazy. Babbling, and saying words like Cat, Dad, Thank Yeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuw, Wassat? She brings me books to read to her and gets super excited when I sit down with her to read. Sometimes I will find her sitting with a book, reading it aloud. 87% of the time, though, the book is upside down. It's very cute. 

I'm not going to say that I am going to record another cd this year, because chances are I won't, but I am hoping to get myself organized and get some new stuff written. More cobwebs to clear in the writer's attic. These are the baby years for me so I am not going to push myself to write or perform more regularly until I feel it. Ya know? 

Ivan & I would like to find a more appropriate house for us & sell our house, or maybe perhaps rent it out. Interested? 4 bed, 2 bath, & a pool... no garage though. 

Anyhoo, I hope this finds you well. We'll be here, holding up the fort. 


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