Comfest is done and over. It's time for the July 4th festivities. Summer is well on its way. It's been really cool the past few days and I appreciate that. We had a garage sale on Saturday & then I played with popCasey & Mary Adam 12 at Comfest and had a blast. But we were spent, so we went home right after the set. We went back on Sunday evening and had a nice, relaxing time as a little Comfest family.
Becoming a mom has changed me in so many ways. One thing that is changing is my sense of every-day style. My daughter is such a girlie girl, which I have never been, and she has brought the girlie girl out in me. I love it. I converted a thrift-store frumpy hippie dress to a cool little sundress for my Comfest set & it felt good to be girlie. I want to wear more girly clothes, especially because I never know when Ivan's going to grab the camera to take pictures of Abigail. I don't want to have to hide.
I don't have any shows scheduled right now, but I am enthusiastic about my involvement with these bands and look forward to future gigs. I love singing backup and being a sidewoman. It really takes a load off from the pressures of being the frontwoman. No matter what, people tend to look at the frontwoman with a critical eye. We've all done it. Over the years, however, I have definitely been fed my share of humility, and I have developed a deep respect for my lady peers. It takes guts to get up there & rock out, fully knowing that you're being watched & criticized. Over the years I have become a bit timid as a result of that knowing (paranoia?), but I am more & more inspired by these woman every day; their guts, style, smarts, beauty, and spunk give me hope. The guys are not chopped liver, either.